Giancarlo de Carlo, the Italian architect said, "In architecture, a novelty remains a novelty for fifty years". What he meant is that architecture is not reinvented on a daily basis. Themes like city developments and the quality of living space are architectural essentials. They consequently have a permanent place in the daily work and are talked about communication strategies of architects. In other words, it is not necessary to create trends or to enter into the long term production of (intended) novelties that are less successful with the public. Being an architecture, planning and allied industries'-specific  communications consultancy, EPISTLE COMMUNICATIONS involves in presenting such themes in an unique and contemporary manner.  We are not just another pr agency; we connect traditional marketing strategies with social media efforts to create a fluid approach to communications and outreach.

We are different because everything we do is customized to the firm we work with. The strategy. The team. The campaign;- All is tailor-made to fit your needs- not a pre-boxed, set solution. This is because we know you are different, your design ethos is different and so are your business needs.

At Epistle, we understand our client's business, build compelling, long term strategies, are conversant in new tools and approaches, are pragmatic about choosing the right tools for the right job and help you be creative and be known.

Our clients have gained some very interesting editorials in publications like Perspective,  Elle Decor, Atelier, Architecture + Design, Habitus, Adelto, Society Interiors and many more.